NR 509 Week 5 iHuman Case – Tim Davis



Problem Statement – Version 1

TD is a 42 y/o male pt that presents today with reports of diarrhea x 3 days. He also reports “cotton mouth’, fever, poor appetite, lightheadedness, fatigue, chills, decrease appetite, and abdominal pain. Pt reports consuming rare burgers while at a trip in Chicago last week. he also reports streaks of blood in stool. The physical findings reveal elevated temperature 101.5, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, dry tongue and mucous membranes, and residue guaiac-positive.

Problem Statement – Version 2

T.D. is a 42 y/o M that presents with a three day history of diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, headache, and lightheadedness. He reports that he recently traveled to Chicago for a work conference where he ate undercooked red meat on multiple occasions. Patient reports diarrhea with mucous and blood streaks preceded by a crampy abdominal pain. Patient is febrile on examination with headache and orthostatic hypotension. Denies vomiting. No family members are sick.

Problem Statement – Version 3

Tim Davis is a 42 year old male who has a history of borderline hyperlipidemia, who arrives with complaints of diarrhea, lightheadedness, “cottonmouth,”fever, poor appetite, diaphoresis, fatigue, and crampy abdominal pain for the past three days after arriving bak home from a business trip to Chicago. Physical exam demonstrated poor skin turgor, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, dry mucous membranes, and a positive guaiac test during the rectal exam. Leukocytosis present. Stool culture positive for salmonella enteritis. C-diff test negative. Has some nausea, denies any vomiting.

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Steven Spielberg



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